Can I get my reservation fee back?
Yes, but only if the watch has sustained case or glas damage whilst incoming, is in need of a service or the fee will be used to buy another watch at VintageseikoNL. You can of course let us fix the watch to your satisfaction.
Why do I need a reservation fee?
Well, lots of buyers want to reserve a watch. Sadly most are either forgetful or have their reasons to not honor their stated intent. The fees serves as a reminder and a security for us both. Return customers that have proven their worth need no reservation fee and can even even have us source watches at no expense.
How good is your warranty?
Pretty good, but all within reason. It is a rare occasion that we do not come to an arrangement in case of trouble. It also depends on your customer status of course.
What is the difference between More Featured and the Blog posts?
Well, in featured you get webstore links to these watches for sale and those that have been sold - not so in the blog.